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Lemon Tree




Historically, Lemon is known as the natural cleanser that has the ability to purify things and increase love. It also has the power to heal. Lemon symbolises the human heart, love and light. It aids in accepting the changes in life and improves the sense of good fortune. Lemon Tree Hypnotherapy aims to aid all that Lemons symbolise.


Carol Galvin - Hypnotherapist BSc Hons, D.Hyp SSOH.


Who am I?


I am a trained Hypnotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Wincanton, Somerset, England. I offer online hypnotherapy services, 1-2-1 meetings in person at my consultancy and where appropriate home visits. I have a degree in Religion and Social Science and have several years’ experience working in therapy for mental health issues; including CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) Mindfulness, and Bereavement/ Loss.

On a personal note, I am a strong believer in new beginnings and firmly believe in not letting negative incidents from the past define the future. I am a great believer in setting yourself goals even if we don’t achieve them, or our goals change. As the old saying goes.



“Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”


Les Brown.

With that mindset, I have explored the realms of religion and its impact, social cohesion, and individual psychology to try to understand how best to live a happy life, as an individual and as a society.

As life will always set challenges it’s always good to have tools to make the journey easier, and it was with this thought that I first had hypnotherapy myself. It worked, and I went on about my life very happily, until later when I worked in various community projects with children, youths, and adults I realised that established therapies were not able to bring about enough change for people, and I started to think about how hypnotherapy had helped me, and more importantly how it could help others. I knew that hypnotherapy could bring so much good from my own experience that I decided to train to be a hypnotherapist so that other people could experience the life changing intervention that hypnotherapy had given me.


So, what is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a way of turning down the conscious mind to speak to the subconscious mind, to help through positive intervention to establish new ways of thinking and behaving for a better future: It helps to break old disruptive habits and establish new positive desired ways. You are not induced into a state of sleep although some people do become so relaxed that they do doze lightly. It is a quiet meditative state that allows for the therapist to work with you.

Is it safe - will I behave like a chicken?

First off; no, you won’t behave like a chicken. It is only possible to hypnotise someone to change their behaviour if the person agrees to accept hypnosis. Generally, even then if you were to introduce an idea that was abhorrent to someone, they would not accept the idea through hypnosis. Any suggestion or idea not in accordance with the persons beliefs, morals, wishes, principles, or desires will quickly and automatically be rejected.

I’m a person of faith - is it ok to be hypnotised?

Most religious groups accept the proper and ethical use of hypnosis for helping people. Hypnosis is steadily gaining recognition in the world as the means to help people be successful and experience abundance in their lives. 

As long ago as 1956, Pope Pius gave his approval of hypnosis stating that the use of hypnosis by health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment is permitted.

It is also worth noting Hypnosis was used in place of anaesthesia in World War I for pain relief, and because hypnosis is a tried and tested old friend, it has become recently an option in childbirth to offset labour pains, and for dental surgery. Therefore, in the context of medical hypnosis, patients are in safe hands. It is important to note that hypnotherapists have no mind control powers. They don’t have superpowers and are not practising magic. Hypnotherapy is based in scientific healing & wellbeing. 

Lemon Tree

Book an Appointment

 Carol is on hand to help you with all bookings and enquiries from Mon – Fri: 10am – 17:00pm, Late Bookings on Tuesdays - 10am - 20:00pm, Sat: 12pm – 15:00pm

Call 07859918139 or email

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